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en los límites de las líneas nazca


Videoproyección en gran formato

Exposición Bipersonal, Ronald Kay & Catalina De la Cruz

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Santiago / Chile



12 Bienal de Artes Mediales





in the limits of the Nazca lines

Video projection in large format
Bipersonal Exhibition, Ronald Kay & Catalina De la Cruz
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Santiago / Chile


12 Bienal de Artes Mediales





…sustraídas a lo real, proyectadas

en gran formato, para incluirte, a ti, en la

gravitación de la imagen desplegada y sostenida

en el haz de la luz impalpable.



... subtracted from the real,
projected in large format, to include you,

in the gravitation of the image

displayed and sustained
in the beam of impalpable light.



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"All rights reserved. It is forbidden to reproduce, communicate to the public by any analog or digital means, to make available to the public through the internet, or to make any other use of the literary and visual content of this page".


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